Watch the video to see what's inside!


  • 6 Weeks to Shredded 

    ($2,5K value)

  • Learn how to make $10K/Mo

    (in person or online)

  • Exclusive Team

  • Dominate social media

    ($2K value)

  • Weekly Calls

  • 20U Program  ($4K value)


Enrollment open until Dec. 31st 2024

Exclusive Community

and weekly calls

$8,500 +

worth of content and courses


to make money

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Join a purpose driven community

Team 20U was founded by 2 entrepreneurs and athletes who found their purpose in their 20s, and that live a mantra of living life with a sense of urgency.


Team 20U is an exclusive dedicated community for young visionaries and go-getters committed to taking control of their lives spiritually, physically, and financially. Our goal is to help each member create a strong foundation in their youth through support, shared knowledge, and actionable insights.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your spiritual journey, optimize your physical health, or learn smart strategies for financial growth, TEAM 20U provides a supportive space filled with resources, workshops, and mentorship. We believe that true success lies in balance, and by building strength in these three key areas, our members can create a life that is both fulfilling and prosperous.


“Get jacked in your faith, fitness and finance”

Membership Pricing

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*Subscriptions will renew automatically until canceled.

Join Team 20U

Be part of our thriving community and unlock exclusive content and benefits.


Be part of our thriving community and unlock exclusive content and benefits.


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Team 20U community, payment, and program specifics.


Have more questions? Get in touch with us.


How do I join?

To join the Team 20U community simply click the "APPLY NOW" button and follow the instructions to complete the application process. If accepted, you'll gain access to all the Team 20U exclusive content, such as exclusive videos and courses, monthly challenges, and weekly call with the community.

What is included?

Our Team 20U membership includes access to exclusive webinars, courses, and personalized content designed to help you reach your full potential. With your membership you'll be able to join team-wide chats and weekly meetings, as well as a variety of weekly challenges to keep you accountable and inspired.


Oh! Did we mention you also get a special Member discount on all apparel? 20% off!

Can I cancel anytime?

You agree to a minimum of 6 months inside the Team. We do that because we take a lot of pride in delivering for all of our members, and in order for you to see real results, it takes about 6 months minimum to go over the content and see progress.

You pay month to month (6 months minimum). After 6 months you can cancel anytime. We believe that if you find value in this community, you will want to stay.

Is it worth it?

Short answer: Yes. Read any of our customers' reviews and you'll quickly realize this is the best program dedicated to change lives.

Still have questions?

Visit our Contact page and shoot us a message. We're happy to answer any questions you may have.